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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Invasion of Privacy in the Business World Research Paper
Intrusion of Privacy in the Business World - Research Paper Example In business, there are two ways to deal with security; purchaser assurance and free market. In free market, business associations are permitted to settle on the significant business choices dependent on thought that the purchasers will work together inside the ideal level of protection (Francis, 1991). On the off chance that a few associations don't adequately keep up security of their tasks, at that point they lose upper hand and at last lose the piece of the overall industry. This happens when an association neglects to offer good protection alternative to its customers or by neglecting to give adequate data of the security rehearses that it completes. Normally shoppers can't guarantee the infringement of protection made by associations. The customer assurance approach advocates increasingly characterized insurance arrangements and beneficiary authorization by the administration (Rosen, 2010). The explanation depends on the possibility that people don't have time or the information to settle on unequivocal decisions or they don't know about choices available.In the United States security isn't expressly ensured by the Constitution. It has been certainly referenced in the fourth, fifth and fourteenth alterations of principal opportunity right that guarantees assurance of resident from government interruption and impedance. Moreover, Common Law seems to perceive some level of insurance of security of information.In 1970, the Fair Credit Reporting Act was passed to law, to guarantee that clients were shielded from data assembled from them by the private division.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Why is King Sejong called the great Essay Example
For what reason is King Sejong called the incredible? Paper This took into consideration the rise of a genuine meritocratic state, in accordance with Neo-Confucian meritocracy standards. Beforehand polite and military assistance assessments called Kwago were given at regular intervals to elevate effective contender to high administrative posts. Be that as it may, since these assessments were in Chinese writing, as of now referenced above, just the tip top could stand to send their children to contemplate the Chinese letters in order. As such the fruitful competitors were not really the most brilliant. With the selection of hangul, the spread of information on account of the portable kind and King Sejongs amendment of the Kwago, up-and-comers could be drawn from social layers outside the elites. As per the Seijong Law of commonplace proposal: If applicants are found in wherever any people recognized for super-greatness in moral standards or any people all around regarded for unprecedented achievements, let the Governor of every region report their discoveries to the seat immediately. 9 This factor was unmistakable in growing Choson culture from the limits of the yangban to the remainder of Korean culture. We will compose a custom exposition test on Why is King Sejong called the incredible? explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Why is King Sejong called the incredible? explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Why is King Sejong called the extraordinary? explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The making of the alleged Jade Hall of Scholars (Chiphyonjon) should likewise be positioned as one of the primary impetuses in the improvement of early Choson culture. Set up by King Sejong, it was a regal research foundation comprising of various offices including a huge assortment of uncommon books everything being equal and climes. 10 Here the King gathered the best personalities and abilities of the nation and this brought about the presentation of various social accomplishments going from expressions of the human experience and music to science and innovation. Among writing and music compilations were made in order to arrange and aggregate the best works. In 1493, the Canon of Music was distributed, a work gave to arranging music to be played at court. 11; in 1478 Anthology of Korean Literature was made and incorporated a choice from past periods of verse and exposition composed by Koreans in Chinese. 12 In the logical circle King Sejong was especially intrigued by cosmic issues. To this end a progression of innovative gadgets were created to gauge dawn and nightfall, precipitation and dry season and time. Especially imperative of notice was the innovation of the main robotized striking clepsydra which consequently estimated the hours of the day. Considering the realities sketched out above doubtlessly King Sejong had a genuinely colossal effect upon early Choson. He assisted with creating society in a large number of fields in spite of confronting opposition from the yangban class. In any case, the most noticeable among his accomplishments was the improvement of hangul, which as per numerous contemporary etymologists is among the best organized language. Truth be told, in addition to the fact that it allowed culture to be transferred to the entire of society yet it likewise, without precedent for Korean history, permitted the nation all in all to create phonetic culture autonomously from China (up to that point semantic characteristics were either imported straightforwardly or copied from the last mentioned). Moreover, it supported the production of completely new fields of learning, for example, verse and encouraged the proclamation of existing and recently gained information the same. Book index: J. B. Duncan, The Origins of the Choson Dynasty, 2000, University of Washington Press.- C. J. Eckert, Korea Old and New: A History, 1990, Harvard University Press. Ki-Baik Lee, A New History of Korea, Trsl. By Edward W. Wagner, 1984, Harvard University Press. P. H. Lee, Sources of Korean Civilisation, Volume I, 1993, Columbia University Press. Ruler Sejong Memorial Society (ed. ), King Sejong The Great, 1970, King Sejong Memorial Society. 1 Peter H. Lee, Sources of Korean Civilisation, Part 3, p. 470 2 King Sejong Memorial Society, King Sejong the Great, Ch. 6, p. 51 3 Carter J. Eckert, Korea Old and New: A History, Ch. 9, p. 124. 4 Ki-baik Lee, A New History of Korea, Ch. 9, p. 193 5 King Sejong Memorial Society, King Sejong the Great, Ch. 7, p. 68 6 King Sejong Memorial Society, King Sejong the Great, Ch. 6, p. 61 7 Carter J. Eckert, Korea Old and New: A History, Ch. 9, p. 125 8 Peter H. Lee, Sources of Korean Civilisation, Part 3, p. 537 9 King Sejong Memorial Society, King Sejong the Great, Ch. 5, p. 48 10 King Sejong Memorial Society, King Sejong the Great, Ch. 5, p. 45 11 Ki-baik Lee, A New History of Korea, Ch. 9, p. 198 12 Ki-baik Lee, A New History of Korea, Ch. 9, p. 199 1.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Googles New Search Tool Scans Thousands of Books to Answer Any Question Critical Linking, April 17
Google’s New Search Tool Scans Thousands of Books to Answer Any Question Critical Linking, April 17 Todays Critical Linking is sponsored by The Myth of the Nice Girl by Fran Hauser. Type a question into “Talk to Books,†and AI-powered tool will scan every sentence in 100,000 volumes in Google Books and generate a list of likely responses with the pertinent passage bolded. Talk to Books will tackle any query you have, however trivial, esoteric, or abstract. The future is now! “‘Tiddely what?’ said Piglet. (He took, as you might say, the very words out of your correspondent’s mouth.) ‘Pom,’ said Pooh. ‘I put that in to make it more hummy.’ And it is that word hummy, my darlings, that marks the first place in The House at Pooh Corner at which Tonstant Weader Fwowed up. Ouch, Dorothy Parker. And more famous authors who dissed classic works of literature. Many of the journals have also created a supportive network for new writers sharing their experiences of 21st century Africa. Kwanini, which published Wainaina’s essay, is the print publication of the Kwani Trust. The trust began as an email chain to the question, “Are Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Meja Mwangi the only writers Kenyan publishers are interested in?†On literary journals offering Africans a space to write back at global culture. Sign up to Today In Books to receive daily news and miscellany from the world of books. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Literary Elements In A Walk To The Jetty - 801 Words
Jamaica Kincaid wrote â€Å"A Walk to the Jetty†, a story which uses multiple literary elements to express greater detail of Annie’s life in Antigua. She was prepared to leave her homeland and move onwards with her life by moving to England to become a nurse. As Annie was about to leave her resented homeland, she says, â€Å"‘I shall never see this again’ stabbed at me†(Kincaid 40). This is an example of personification because words cannot physically stab someone, but it could’ve meant that she felt some kind of mental discomfort after saying her piece of her mind. This shows that she’s afraid of going to leaving everything she knows behind in Antigua and start a new life in England even though her memories in her homeland wasn’t pleasant to her.†¦show more content†¦She was willing to sacrifice everything she has, but it was for nothing. The literary element, personification, shows us how Annie has sacrificed many thi ngs, but in the end, she didn’t have anything to offer to be successful. Annie also describes the relationships she has with her family and friends using diction. Her mother really cares for her daughter and wanted the best treatment, so she made many sacrifices to please her. Annie wanted glasses and also asked her mother to get her glasses, but the doctor told her mother that carrot juice should be able to improve her eyesight. She says, â€Å"my mother, who was waiting for me with a glass of juice from carrots she had just grated and then squeezed, and I would drink it and run back to my chums†(Kincaid 38). The words waiting, grating, and squeezing shows that her mother has a loving heart. She sacrificed her time and effort to make fresh carrot juice for her daughter rather than buying it from somewhere. However, Annie does not realize the care she received from her loving mother. Also, Annie’s mother loves her so much that she couldn’t live without her, but what Annie sees is that her mother wanted to help her pack her belongings so they will never see each other again. Annie describes this moment with â€Å" is I who have changed, so all the things I used to be and all the things I used to feel are as false as the teeth in myShow MoreRelatedThe Epithet in the Novel Jane Eyre18849 Words  | 76 PagesINTRODUCTION The present course- paper is devoted to the comprehensive study of stylistic device – the epithet in the literary work â€Å"Jane Eyre†by Charlotte Bronte. The topicality of chosen by us theme lies in the fact that a human being perceives the reality by means of various images. These images exist everywhere: in art, in nature, in thoughts, and in speech in particular. Each of us at least ones created an image. We use different means (stylistic expressive means and devices) to achieve
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay about The Effects of Homelessness on Children
Imagine a young child growing up, learning, and trying to further his or her life to obtain success in the future. For an â€Å"everyday†child this can be challenging, however â€Å"everyday†obstacles can be overcome. For thousands of children in the United States, this dream is almost impossible to achieve. These children are a part of the homeless population that is spread throughout the United States. Many times these individuals try to hide this major secret from the rest of the world, but homelessness is very prevalent among these youths today. Various problems occur in these peoples’ lives that others could not even begin to understand. Homelessness affects children in every stage of life physically, mentally, and emotionally. Homelessness†¦show more content†¦In today’s society children becoming homeless and having to fend for themselves is wide-spread but homelessness in families also tends to be common (Jewel 2). This issue affects the human population in a very grave way which leaves one out of every fifty children experiencing this immense epidemic (Crary 1). The current recession, has caused sixteen percent of homeless children to be present in our country today and with the economy worsening this statistic will increase (Kingsbury 1). Children of many ages are affected by these tremendous problems resulting from homelessness that have just become greater as time has passed. Homelessness leaves long lasting scars on these children (Crary 2). â€Å"The burden places upon these people can influence every facet of their lives; from contraception to early adulthood†(Hart-Shegos 2). All stages of life are affected by this experience of homelessness and severe problems can be caused in every stage. Not only does homelessness occur after contraception but it starts affecting these children from before birth age. Due to many mothers in recent years being teenagers who ages are decreasing year by year, these pregnant mothers go through their nine month pregnancy without proper treatment or care (4). â€Å"Fifty percent of homeless women versus fifteen percent of the general population have not had a prenatal visit in the first trimester of pregnancy†(4). Also the â€Å"service reports a forty percent substance use rate among womenShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Homelessness on Children1654 Words  | 7 Pagesmental abuse and drug use. Homelessness gained public attention in the late 1970s because homelessness became more visible when it began to include women and children. Today homelessness can be linked to various other problems. It is estimated that 200,000 thousand Canadians have lived in or used the services of a homeless shelter. On any given night, as many as 30,000 thousand Canadians experience homelessness and as many as 50,000 thousand Canadians may be â€Å"hidden homelessness†victims. In other wordsRead MoreThe Emotional, Social, And Academic Effects Of Ho melessness On Children1291 Words  | 6 Pages01/22/2015 The emotional, social, and academic effects of homelessness on children Hardly a day in life goes by without seeing a homeless child trying to survive, especially in developing countries. Unwanted sightings of homeless children happen every day both in developed and underdeveloped countries. The increase in divorce and trend in cohabitation has led to an increasing number of children being homeless. As stated in the â€Å" Homeless Facts Children and Homelessness - Some Facts conducted by the CommitteeRead MoreEffects of Poverty, Hunger and Homelessness on Children and Youth2370 Words  | 10 PagesAssigned Materials: â€Å"Effects of Poverty, Hunger and Homelessness on Children and Youth†, â€Å"How Do You Define Poverty, Part 1 and Part 2†, and access information on the number of families living in poverty in your county. Summary of Materials: The article, â€Å"Effects of Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness on Children and Youth†, provides vast amounts of information and the far reaching effects on lives of the individuals living in those circumstances (â€Å"American Psychology†, n.d.). This problem is notRead MoreMain Causes of Why People Become Homelessness Essay669 Words  | 3 PagesHomelessness Definition Homelessness is the condition and social category of people who having no home or permanent place, because they cannot afford or unable to maintain a regular and safe shelter. Causes There are three main causes why people are homelessness. The first reason is housing. There is increasing evidence that a growing number of homebody in the private rental market are in housing stress. For example, many people pay more than 35 percent of their income on renting house. In additionRead MoreHomelessness and Childhood Development Essay976 Words  | 4 Pagesexperience homelessness in youth. Homelessness at such an early and integral stage in one’s life presents lasting consequences and we must work to better understand, prevent and reverse the effects of homelessness on children. â€Æ' Homelessness is a widespread issue that in recent years has only worsened with the downturn in the economy and a never-ending war. Of this very vulnerable population however there is within an even more vulnerable population, the children affected by homelessness. We as a societyRead MoreThe State of Homelessness in the United States Essay586 Words  | 3 PagesHomelessness became a huge problem in everywhere especially in the USA. Most people heard homeless people, and they saw homeless people in the streets, markets, or bridges. Most people never try to understand why there is much homelessness. Most people do not know any facts about them seem the truth of homelessness, the state of homelessness in the United States, and the effect on people from homelessness. Many causes become the answers to homeless people. The most easy understanding of homelessnessRead MoreHomelessness in Canada Essay882 Words  | 4 PagesHomelessness is a condition of people who lack regular access to adequate housing. As this condition becomes a growing problem in Canada people are forced to deal with the issues. Who are the homeless? They range from children to adults and even in some cases, families. Why are they homeless? Poverty, lack of jobs or well paying jobs, decline in Social Services, domestic violence, mental illness, and chemical dependency contribute to the majority of the homeless within our society. What effects doesRead MoreHomeless Students During Modern Society1500 Words  | 6 Pagesthe side of the streets. You might imagine drug addicts running from shelter to shelter. Actually, about half of the homeless people in the world are children and students, who do not abuse drugs. Sadly, the number of Homeless Students and Children in Caldwell c ounty, and across the nation, is increasing, and the academic, social, and physical effects are devastating. From the from the article, â€Å"Global Homeless Statistics†on the website, â€Å"The last time a global survey was attemptedRead MoreHomeless Population Of New South Wales1444 Words  | 6 PagesOverview â€Å"In a country as prosperous as Australia, no one should have to be homeless.†- The Road Home, 2008 Homelessness is a complex problem and not simply a lack of housing. It has numerous causes that affect different groups differently. In Australia, there are approximately 105000 people experiencing homelessness reported in the 2011 census. This equates to one in every two hundred people. The homeless population of New South Wales accounts for over one quarter of the total in Australia,Read MoreCauses And Effects Of Homelessness Essay1267 Words  | 6 Pages Causes and effects of homelessness in industrialized countries Student Name Institution â€Æ' Introduction Homelessness is the lack of a place to leave or sleep especially during the night. Homeless people do not have proper housing, security and most of them sleep in different places depending on various conditions. Homelessness definition can vary in countries or in various regions in the same country. According to Evans, L., Strathdee in the book â€Å"A roof is not enough†, he explains
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Persuasive Essay On Childcare - 989 Words
Childcare Childcare is the starting point in your children s lives. The choices you make on childcare can affect them greatly. It is when they will begin to meet the friends that they will grow up with as they go through grade school. Children need this step in their lives to adjust from staying at home, to staying with other children in a completely different surrounding. There are so many different options for childcare now a days, it is extremely hard to say which is the most beneficial for children. In this paper I will discuss the childcare decisions that my mother made for me, what to consider when evaluating childcare, and compare them to some of my references and see how they are similar and also how they differ. My personal†¦show more content†¦You should check reviews and ask others parents for their opinions on the facility. Also see if they help the children by encouraging them to learn the basics such as manners, colors, and social skills. Most importantly make sure that your child will have a safe and clean environment that they can learn and grow in. The foundation for a clean and safe environment is so very important, you should not have to worry about the wellbeing of you child while you are away. From the book Improving Literacy in America: Guidelines from Research the author Frederick J. Morrison states than â€Å"As a more proximal source, early childhood care and education programs are seen as potent weapons in the effort to improve children’s literacy.†If you do not take the precautions and insure that your child will have the right start off to their education then yes it more than likely will end up hurting the child in the later on in their life. My mo m always was the one to make the decisions on childcare for us she wanted a place that would benefit us but also a place that was in her price range. She has always been very hesitant to let us stay with just anyone, she wants a place that has experience and reliability. My family has always used Pinecrest for most of my brothers and cousins. The one exception is my five month old little sister which my mother is choosing to stay at home with. My mother is a self employed at home childcare providerShow MoreRelatedWhy I Want A Wife1070 Words  | 5 Pagesbecause she repeats the phrase â€Å"I want a wife†twenty-six times her short two page essay. â€Å"Too much repetition can create a ludicrous effect†(Grammar). From the Title the reader already knows that she wants a wife and does not need to be told another sixteen times. The purpose for repeating may have been for added emphasis, but this repetition was interpreted as more of poor word choice. She may have bee n more persuasive if she used different ways to express the same idea in more than ways than oneRead MoreEdc1100 - Society Begins at Home2682 Words  | 11 Pagesthrough early childhood, namely childcare, effect a child’s development and ultimately society. This essay will analyse and evaluate four issues raised throughout the article with the intention of answering the question â€Å"is our future shaped by our childhood?†The issues that will be addressed include: children’s development in response to environment and care received at birth; the importance of parent relationships on emotional development; non parental childcare and the effects on development;Read More Shifting the Medical Gaze: Towards a Feminist Ethic of Childbirth4167 Words  | 17 Pagesthat within a community is considered legitimate, consequential, official, worthy of discussion, and appropriate for justifying particular actions by people engaged in accomplishing the tasks at hand. She stresses that authoritative knowledge is persuasive because it seem natural, reasonable and consensually constructed. Yet, the power of authoritative knowledge is not that it is correct, but that is counts. Jordan traces the use of authoritative knowledge in the American delivery room as she vividlyRead MoreNcfe Teaching Assistant Essay7227 Words  | 29 Pagesschool by carrying out a variety of tasks in order to create and maintain a safe, positive learning environment thus allowing teachers more time to focus on teaching. It is therefore paramount to remain flexible at all times. The purpose of this essay is to summarise the major learning points from the Teaching Assistant Diploma Course. I will address the nine subject areas separately. Supporting the teacher - Teachers are incredibly busy and the teaching assistant is a valued asset to ensureRead MoreIntroduction to Large Scale Organizations18988 Words  | 76 Pagescentralisation, provision of info staff regarding to staff on policies, encouraging policy decisions group discussions Strengths: -Potential for greater staff relations -Enables innovation and the utilising of various ideas -Positive corporate culture Persuasive Style where management takes the trouble to communicate decisions thoroughly and effectively. In practice it is similar to the autocratic style (similar characteristics) yet policy is â€Å"sold†to staff but they do not own it -Same as autocraticRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesCommunication 341 †¢ Nonverbal Communication 341 Organizational Communication 342 Formal Small-Group Networks 343 †¢ The Grapevine 343 †¢ Electronic Communications 345 †¢ Managing Information 349 Choice of Communication Channel 350 xiv CONTENTS Persuasive Communications 351 Automatic and Controlled Processing 351 †¢ Interest Level 352 †¢ Prior Knowledge 352 †¢ Personality 352 †¢ Message Characteristics 352 Barriers to Effective Communication 353 Filtering 353 †¢ Selective Perception 353 †¢ InformationRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 PagesThey are experts who know things other people do not and are just doing what has to be done. Thus, managerial prerogative – management’s right to manage together with the power and social standing that accompanies it – is morally supported by a persuasive claim to an expertise grounded in superior scientific knowledge. In turn, this knowledge depends upon the philosophical assumption (Figure 1.7) that such neutral access to reality is actually possible in the first place. So, as we noted earlier
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Trophy Wife, B.S. free essay sample
Picking a college major is one of the most influential decisions a student must make. Slews of factors such as personality type, academic strengths, social skills, circadian rhythms, and Starbucks availability serve as driving forces that a student must carefully consider. Being an 18-year-old young woman, I came to the most natural conclusion for my profession of choice: B.S. in Biomedical Engineering. Many people scoffed at my decision; some went as far as to say I had made a mistake. It is a well known fact that women have a high aversion to any task that includes mathematics or science, as such tasks conflict with the maternal drive. Not only that, but the field is composed of socially-awkward elitists who may or may not be asexual. Rather than engineering, many have argued I would be better off teaching, nursing or interior decorating to cater to my â€Å"natural-born strengths†. Though these individuals surely have my best interest at heart, I have a more powerful agenda for selecting this particular major: the acquisition of a husband. We will write a custom essay sample on Trophy Wife, B.S. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Engineering is a man’s world. Today only 20% of all engineering undergraduates are women. To some, this figure may seem daunting; however, to me it is a sign of encouragement. Unlike my non-engineering undergraduate female compatriots, I have essentially maximized my college opportunity. How? By picking a field of study wherein selecting a future husband is easier than finding a gaggle of sorority girls on campus. Indeed, no woman would voluntarily become an engineer to help â€Å"further†society, nor to try and â€Å"cure†the ailing world that seeks some source of reform from its up and coming generation. Instead, we female engineers focus on the more tangible achievement of finding successful, albeit pasty, men to make us shining trophy wives. Engineers are the perfect husbands due to the constant job growth and security of the job market they enter, which provides the most important aspect of a relationship: financial stability. Several factors within the engineering community make this endeavor nearly fool-proof. First, the men of the engineering community are not in touch with their inner fashion sense. Indeed, it seems the endless semesters of calculus have successfully smothered any sense of matching and/or affinity for clothes that do not intentionally stretch. The physical standards male engineers maintain are nearly identical to those of the blind community. Wearing makeup, though it may seem like a necessity in more public oriented careers, seems like an extra-special step for a female engineer. Not only that, but Victoria’s Secret is virtually unknown to most men in this academic fraternity. Though this reasoning may seem shallow, its effectivness is nearly unparalleled. Dressing with care and an ounce of sexuality enables a young lady to befriend the 58 boys in her 60 student chemistry lab without a second’s effort. Next, it is a well known fact engineers are bereft in the department of social skills. Natura lly, when it comes to designing pacemakers, bridges, or circuit boards, there is little time for chit-chat. Yet again, this falls to the advantage of the female engineer due to her natural social inclination and prowess. History has always regarded women as the gentler, more talkative sex, an ability that could easily work to assist in the verbal enchantment of a future husband. Undoubtedly, this skill would go unnoticed in majors such as English, accounting or sociology; however in this environment, it is an anomaly. Statistics have shown male engineers are swayed by pretty words when they come from someone lacking a Y chromosome. Thus, the social advantage women possess furthers the female engineer’s quest during husband-hunting season. Some philosophy majors may argue that this facade is a cruel and ridiculous show to maintain. Indeed, the academic rigor and labor-intensive work that accompanies an engineering degree has been considered inhumane. If a young lady truly wis hes to succeed in getting a man to â€Å"put a ring on it†, she may be forced to actually learn and/or engage in the academic sphere. Though it may seem unnatural, women are more than capable of keeping up with men in these tasks, so long as it is for the pursuit of the greater good: matrimony. All things considered, my choice of major no longer seems quite so absurd. Like many other female engineers, I am only looking to preserve the sanctity of traditional values, despite the facade of academic equality. Until Arizona State University is willing to introduce its own trophy wife major, I will remain an engineer. ?
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